Nov 20, 2023

Peer Review Insights

Risk & Patient Safety Leaders share insights on the shortcomings and benefits of peer review.

Dr. Husam Bader connects cognitive biases to peer review shortcomings while giving useful statistics on how hospital staff feel about these systems. Next, Dr. Ara Feinstein explains the nuances of peer review when internal politics, close colleagues, and competition may result in a biased review.  Dr. Stephanie Sanderson tells her story of a medical "close-call" and how a review climate without fear can improve care. Lastly, Risk Leader Terri Schimmer shares how external experts revolutionized Cherokee Regional Medical Center's peer review process.

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Everything You Need to Know About Improving Medical Peer Review

This guide will help explain everything you need to know about improving Medical Peer Review.

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November 20, 2023

2 Ways to Standardize Your Peer Review Process

Here's how to standardize your hospital's peer review process with clinical guidelines and data collection.

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October 13, 2023

Tips for Doctors Navigating Medical Peer Review

So, you've been selected to either conduct or be reviewed by a peer at your hospital. Here is what you need to know.

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October 10, 2023

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