Nov 20, 2023

How Law Firms Can Use Technology to Keep Up with Larger Competitors

Smaller firms can embrace technology in the law industry to outpace larger competitors. Arizona attorney Matt Fendon explains his firm's approach to tech.

Arizona's workers' compensation industry is a small, insular community of professionals. Firms can use technology to gain a leg up on the competition to gain a footing in a largely established market. Work comp attorney Matt Fendon told Medplace how his firm uses state-of-the-art tools to keep up with larger firms.


Case management software

Since attorneys spend so much time on administrative work, reducing paperwork helps firms make the most of their staff. cites estimates that admin work accounts for 48% of an attorney's time. Tools known as case management software automate several duties such as contracting, communication, and even case selection. Matt Fendon explained how case management software would benefit the way his firm does business. 


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We're the only Arizona work comp firm that has fully embraced and reinvested firm profits into technology. We are in the process of adopting top-notch case management software to almost fully automate the firm. This will help us assist our clients better by enhancing communication. Also, it will help us decide which cases to take using grading scales based on our criteria and it'll automatically send an email to the customer.

Virtual Conferencing

If a firm has not already transitioned to virtual conferencing software, tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams reduce scheduling hassle and costs. By meeting online, attorneys can increase their availability to their clients. Additionally, many courtrooms utilize these types of software, so savvy attorneys can save money on transportation costs by joining remotely.


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We've been doing the hearings on the Google Meets platform, I would like them to upgrade to a more robust platform like Teams or Zoom, but it's still awesome. I always tell my colleagues; I don't ever want to go back to a courtroom. I haven't been in a courtroom since early March 2020.

AI Tools

Software powered by artificial intelligence can also give law firms the edge they need to keep up with the competition. Once a fringe technology, AI tools like outcome prediction and record organization regularly help attorneys stay ahead of paperwork. For example, California Defense Firm Wai, Connor & Hamidzadeh implemented Foundation AI to improve record organization. According to a press release in Work Comp Central, the firm began leveraging Foundation AI's Extract Filer product to promising results. Managing Partner Greg Connor said they are seeing AI organization's benefits after just one week of use.


Some attorneys may feel uncomfortable with the risks of AI. According to the American Bar Association's 2020 Legal Technology Survey Report, 35 percent said they chose not to use AI tools because they do not trust them. But ultimately, law firms must evaluate if the benefits outweigh the risk.


For more information about how law firms can use technology to supercharge their practice, click here to watch our podcast with attorney Matt Fendon. Schedule a demo today to learn how lawyers can use Medplace for more efficient workers' compensation.

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